Word of Life

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Greetings in the Names of Jesus Christ the Savior of the world. This Web Site is a ministry of the Word Of Life Broadcast. The Word Of Life Broadcast is a radio program designed to reach "NEW" Christians and to challenge older Christians to get in to the Word of God and to be rooted and built up in the things of God.

Remember to please sign our guest book and please email us your prayer requests...wordoflifebroadcast@yahoo.com


Each month we send out a Word of Life Newsletter called, "The Watchmen." The Watchmen is filled with great articles that will build your faith in Christ. Simply request your copy today!!

The Word of Life Broadcast is now heard in Ireland!!  Gospel 846 AM airs WOL each Sunday morning at 8:15 (Ireland time).  This powerful station covers 1 million people.

After only one broadcast, we receicved a letter and two emails!!  Praise God for the awesome tool of Christian Radio.


Bro. James H. Coates
Available for meetings, seminars, or any special event.
James was saved at age 9 in a small church. James works and ministers full time at Bethel Fellowship Church in McDaniels, Ky.
James was ordained in the office of "Teacher" in 1999
He is married to his lovely wife-Joy and have 4 beautiful children...Brenton (9) Kaylin (7) Garrett (5) and Cameron (1)
James has been a full time radio announcer since 1989
My desire is to see true unity amoung the brethern...to see the church of Jesus Christ flowing in the love of God which is shed in our hearts by the Holy Ghost
"...he gave some teachers for the edifying of the body of Christ...for the work of the ministry."
(Eph. 4)

Favorite Bible Verse: Romans 8:28
Favorite Bible Passage: Eph. 1:16-18
Favorite Study Bible: Greek-Hebrew Key Study
Favorite Book: John
Favorite OT Bible Person: Enock
Favorite NT Bible Person: John

Favorite Place to Eat: Anywhere!! (Golden Corral)
Favorote Food: Home Cookin
Favorite TV Networks: TBN & Daystar
Favorite Hobbie: Playing with my kids and playing music
Personal Passion: Digital Editing/Voice Production

A Look at Prophecy with Bro. James H. Coates can be heard each Sunday morning at 7:00 AM on WBFI 91.5 FM. A Look at Prophecy will explore end time events as recorded in the Word of God... Defending the Word of Truth!!

Do you have a Holy Bible? Request FREE information about the KJV Bible...

*Learn how the NIV has left out over 64,000 words...
*Learn how the NKJV uses a pagan symbol...
*Learn the New Age movement has moved into our churches!

WOL- 18268 Leitchfield Rd. Leitchfield, Ky. 42754